

If you’re also my friend on Facebook, you’ve already heard this news but after nearly two months of unemployment, I finally have a new job. I know that two months in this economy is nothing and I’m very, very grateful to have had the stars align on this job the way they did. (I worked with a contract designer who turned out to be the hiring manager for this job. I sent him my resume/portfolio and he was sufficiently impressed to call me in for an interview.)

The new job will be part of design team, something I’ve sorely missed since my job in Portland and is for a company that does phone/online coaching to help people quit smoking and make healthier life choices. They work with corporate wellness programs, so I’ll be doing both business and consumer facing design, which is cool. (I like variety!) Plus, they’re downtown which will be an easy bus commute for me. I can’t wait to get started! (Unfortunately, I’ll have to. Due to my sister’s wedding, I don’t start until October 18th.)

You say tomato…


I’ve been wanting to make some tomato soup before all of the tomatoes disappear from the farmer’s market. T & I headed over to our local market at the end of the day, in the hopes of getting a good deal. One of the stands was selling their older/less attractive tomatoes in a 20 lb box for 25 bucks. A great deal, but that’s a lot of tomatoes. But while we were ruminating, T noticed that there was another guy also pondering the deal, so he suggested that we could split a box. The guy agreed and we were in business with 10 pounds of tomatoes.

Because the tomatoes were really ripe, I needed to get cracking on my soup right away:

After a whole bunch of chopping, I had a big pot of yumminess on the stove. (Side note: that’s homemade chicken stock on the counter to the right of the image. Oh yeah… )

After a little magic with the immersion blender, my soup is complete:

I froze most of it in anticipation of needing it during the gray bleak months of winter ahead. It *almost* makes me look forward to winter. Almost.

Artsy brunch


With a bright sunny morning outside, I decided a little splurge was in order and I rousted to boy to go out for brunch. We walked down to a place that we’d not gotten a chance to try: the Portage Bay Cafe. Naturally, I took the opportunity for some artsy photos:

The food was good, the service needed a bit of help. I would have taken a picture of my food, but I was too busy devouring it. On the walk home, we came across a pristine model my dream car (a 1962 Volvo) sitting next to a less pristine version. (The funny part is that the pristine one belongs to one of M’s clients!) Looks like a job for the Hipstamatic:

New toy


It’s been a crazy week. Somehow taking the week off from training seems to have made all of the other aspects of my life busier. A sudden lead on a job has kept me busy. First with a phone interview, followed by getting my portfolio and wardrobe in order for an in-person interview. Somewhere in the middle of all of this, my cell phone decided to die – sort of. The phone works fine, but the screen doesn’t. So, I can technically make and receive calls, I just have to know the number by heart and dial it carefully.

But the silver lining is that it gave me the perfect excuse to get this little piece of awesomeness:

I’ve been wanting an iPhone for years and have been holding off on buying one in the interest of saving money. But finally, the lure of having access to my e-mail when I’m away from the house was too much and I joined the SmartPhone universe. And I must say, it’s pretty sweet. It’s great to be able to look up things on the fly and I look forward to being able to ride in remote areas without fear of getting lost. But far and away, my favorite toy on the phone is an app called Hipstamatic. You can look forward to many more blog posts featuring artsy photos like this:

I guess it beats endless posts about training! 😉

No expectations: Grand Columbian race report


Five years ago, I did this race as my first half-ironman. We’d just moved from New York and I was woefully unprepared. To my great surprise, I had an amazing time and learned how much I enjoyed long-course racing. Initially, when I’d decided to race it this year, it was going to be my A race. A chance to kick ass and take names. Unfortunately, life threw me a few curve balls this year and I wasn’t going to have the race I wanted. Despite the excellent advice of friends on this very blog, I decided to move forward with my plans to race the half-ironman, knowing it was going to be slow and probably very, very painful. I decided that I was going to roll with whatever the day threw at me, enjoy the race as much as I could and basically set a nice low bar to beat next year. ;-P

The logistics of this race are a little unusual. When we did the race in 2005, there were two transition areas, so you packed bags for each one and got them before each transition, rather than setting up one transition area. But now the race has only one transition area, but still has the bags. So, it’s like a mini-Ironman:

All right, a very mini Ironman. 😉 Luckily, I had experience with this type of transition, so I wasn’t too rattled. It also helped that the race started at a very humane 9 am. I got to wake up at a reasonable hour then wander over, drop off my bike/bags, get body marked and go back to the campsite for some breakfast and be away from all of the hub-bub. It was very pleasant and with my more relaxed outlook, I wasn’t even that nervous.

Before too long, it was time to head to the start line. They were starting all of the men, relay-swimmers and aqua-bike people in the first wave, then the half-ironman women five minutes later. This meant there were about thirty of us waiting for the gun to go off. There was a lot of good-natured joking about girl-power and how nice it was going to be not to have to brawl with the boys for position. Because of the smaller wave and the fact that I really wanted to be able to swim on that buoy line, I lined up toward the back with the plan of passing any crazy swimmers as quickly as possible.

This plan worked brilliantly, I was out clean and passed two women almost immediately. I stayed on the buoy line and passed people pretty steadily, as everyone was pretty much in a straight line. I finally caught up to a woman who was swimming almost exactly my pace/maybe a little faster, who I could swim with. This almost never happens to me, I seem to be perennially in between the too-fast swimmers and the t00-slow/too-zig zaggy swimmers. Plus, I had the buoy line to know that I was on-course. It was awesome.

We passed a few boys in the first wave (YES!) and rounded the buoys smoothly. The buoy line for the last leg of the triangle had drifted in, so it seemed smarter to leave the buoy line and try to swim a straight line into the finish. This was a good idea in theory, but probably not so much in practice. It was hard to see that final buoy and I’m not sure I didn’t swim a wider line that I needed to. So, I finally angled back into the buoy line and sprinted to catch up with the girl that I’d been swimming with. She was a little more ahead of me than she had been, but I got pretty close to her.

The beach is very rocky, which made the exit out of the water a little slower than I wanted. But I saw T/Luke cheering for me and once I made it onto the carpets, I was able to jog up to the changing tent. The mood in the tent was jovial and I was surprised by how many women were completely changing their clothes. I hurried as quickly as I could, but having the long run up to the tent and then stuffing everything into the bag definitely made for a longer transition than I would have liked. I did beat the other girls out of the tent and onto the bike.

The bike leg starts with about 2 miles of climbing, which is just plain rude. You have about 1/4 mile of flat to get used to being on the bike. Luckily, I knew this and basically just took it easy on the climb. Last time, I’d had to stop and rest – so even though it felt like it took me forever to climb, at least I rode the whole thing. The bike course was even more beautiful than I remembered. It’s pretty much all rolling, with very little flat, which actually helped me because there was never a time to dwell on how I felt. I just had to go with the flow.

At one point, I dropped my chain, which allowed my swim-buddy to pass me. She asked if I was okay and after I told her why I’d stopped she showed me how loose her aerobar was. (Alarmingly loose.) I caught up to her at the first aid station, as the volunteer there was saying they didn’t have any tools to fix it. I had my multi-tool in my saddle bag, so I stopped to help her. Her gratitude told me that I’d done the right thing, even if it cost me a few minutes. Before too long, the volunteer had it tightened and I was on my way.

I passed a few folks here and there and kept ahead of my swim buddy. I focused on drinking/eating and enjoying the scenery. The bike course is definitely challenging. It’s gorgeous, but there’s a lot of climbing and wind. Though I was trying not to set goals, I was hoping to come in under four hours and that didn’t happen. My legs were definitely feeling all of the climbing as I came into the change tent for the second transition, but I put my run gear on and headed out of the tent before I could think about how much the run was going to hurt.

Heading out on the run is always a mental hurdle for me. Even in training, I usually start every brick run wanting to quit. So, I put my head down and tried to focus on putting one foot in front of the other – running when I could, walking when I had to. It was about this point that I started wishing I’d done the aquabike instead. The run course is two loops, which is challenging, but most of it was on a dirt road that winds along a pretty lake next to this huge cliff face and was gorgeous. It’s undulating, so you could run down the hill, walk up the next one and so forth. On a positive note, I think I fueled well on the bike and my stomach was feeling much better than usual. I’d also brought my fuel-belt, so I had water whenever I wanted it and the aid stations were plentiful and had awesome volunteers.

As I was heading in from the first lap, I must confess that I thought about cheating and pretending that I was on my second lap when the volunteers asked me. My first lap was slow enough that no one would have been the wiser. There were so few folks out with me, heading out for the second lap was tough. But I worked on getting my head in the game and just did the best that I could. It took a long time to finish that second lap. In the end, there were only two people behind me and it was my second slowest time, (after the first Grand Columbian attempt.) But I’m glad I did it. I learned a lot for my next attempt and there’s really no where to go but up.

Final times:
Swim: 45:54
T1: 6:12
Bike: 4 hours, five minutes
T2: 3:41
Run: 3 hours, two minutes
Overall: 8 hours, three minutes

I am sad that T basically had to spend his birthday by himself and then taking care of me, but I’ll make that up to him later on. He’s the best husband a girl could ask for and I appreciate his support in this crazy hobby of mine. Hopefully, next year we can both be racing and kick some serious ass.

A grand adventure


We hit the road for the last race/camping trip of the year. The theme of this weekend was definitely going to be “rolling with the punches.” As I’ve mentioned before, I wasn’t where I’d hoped to be for the race. Additionally, this was originally going to be a big group camping/racing trip, but little by little plans changed and folks started dropping out and finally, it was T and I arriving in Electric City, WA.

I definitely enjoy solo camping trips with T, but I also really miss our group camping trips and we haven’t one in forever, so it was a little bittersweet. It didn’t help that we arrived in the evening, as it was getting dark with intermittent drizzle. We hurriedly got camp set up and made some deeply non-delicious turkey dogs for dinner, followed by some far more delicious s’mores before the rain picked up in earnest.

It rained like crazy all night long, but thankfully, our tent withstood the onslaught and stayed remarkably dry. (Woo hoo!) I heard some strange splashing sounds coming from the lake next to our campsite, which turned out to be folks swimming the course – right outside our tent-door!

It was nice that they had the course set up already. I was looking forward to giving it a test swim later on. But first, it was time for pancakes:

Although our campsite was not much to look at, you couldn’t beat the convenience for the race. You can see the transition area in the background of the photo above. Here’s a close-up:

That might be the shortest race-day commute I’ve ever had. The boys loved the camping as usual. Smokey Joe camped out under the table in the hopes of dropped pancakes:

After breakfast, T settled in with his book and I went for a practice swim. The lake was awesome. To my very pleasant surprise, there was a bright white clothesline connecting all of the buoys, so you didn’t even really have to sight. The water wasn’t too cold and was nice and clean compared the Seattle metro area lakes. The swim loosened everything up and I felt good.

We were expecting a visit from T’s friend Luke, who was on vacation in Winthrop and was planning to swing by and hang out for the night. Since race day was also T’s 41st birthday, I was very happy he’d have someone to hang out with while I was racing. He showed up early afternoon and the boys had a good time chatting. Luke surprised me by going for a dip in the lake (sans wetsuit, no less.) I wandered over and picked up my packet (I love having all of the race-relating things in one place!) and came back for a nice leisurely lounge around the campground, followed by a delicious dinner of grilled veggies, potatoes, salmon and chicken.

Finally, it was time to head to bed for the big day tomorrow.

A farewell ride in Prosser


I couldn’t resist the opportunity to do one last ride before we hit the road. I really wanted to do the first part of our epic ride last year, as the Weber Canyon climb would be good prep for Grand Columbian’s Almira Grade. The road out was as nice as I remembered and we stopped at the Conoco before heading up Weber Canyon. (T was our SAG wagon for the ride, so it was just Erin, David and I.) Erin got her secret weapon, the Snickers Ice Cream bar, to fuel her up Weber Canyon.

As we headed up Weber, I’ll admit that I was a little nervous. What if I couldn’t climb it this year? What if it was really hard? I remembered it being a pretty tough climb last year and I had a lot more riding under my belt then. But as we headed out, I felt good and actually decided to hammer the initial flat section. I left Erin & David behind, but I figured they’d more than make up for it on the actual climb.

There was the same crazy headwind as we headed up the climb, but I actually felt okay on the climb. There wasn’t anything that felt that tough. Even the wind wasn’t as big an impediment as I remembered (though it may not have been as strong this year.) I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I climbed the giant hill. David blew by me, but I managed to stay ahead of Erin (for the first time ever, that girl’s a way better climber than I am… ) As I waited at the top for them, I decided to amuse myself with a self-portrait:

Here’s some more scenery:

And some familiar faces…

Then it was a speedy trip to the bottom to meet up with T. We grabbed a delicious lunch at another favorite Mexican spot (T was in heaven!) and then it was time to pack up and go get the pups before hitting the road home. As if in response to all of the sunshine we’d had in Prosser, Seattle greeted us with rain, fog and traffic. Oh well, it was still worth it. Many thanks to everyone for such a fun weekend, especially Erin – hostess extraordinaire!

Ride into the sunset


After the previous evenings festivities, we all slept late and had a leisurely morning. David made aebleskivers for breakfast, which were delicious. Around noon, we hit the road with some of Erin’s friends for a nice recovery ride. I love riding in Prosser. The scenery is beautiful and there’s hardly any traffic, even in the middle of the day.

And you get to see interesting wildlife, such as this goat next to an intersection. (There was a goat in the back of a pick-up truck that I really wanted to get a picture of, but I didn’t have a chance… )

After the ride, we relaxed for a little bit and then got cleaned up to go out for dinner. It’s not easy being a boy in a house full of girls. Luckily, T is used to it. Here he is waiting to go to dinner:

We went to a local restaurant with great food and a terrible name: Wine O’Clock. It was a fun night and we finished it off by taking Lucky on a walk at sunset.

An appropriately scenic end to a lovely day…

Party down


After some rest and downtime, it was time to start prepping for the evening’s festivities. Erin was doing a shrimp boil and we’d brought two of our stockpots to assist in the endeavor. We helped prep the food:

And clean up the backyard:

That’s Erin’s in-laid Scrabble board. When the tiles get finished, it’s going to be pretty sweet. Until then, there’s Giant Jenga:

Oh yeah, you heard right. A giant Jenga board. T was very excited about it…

After he got it set up, T tested the stability with Bandit. (Not really… )

Before long, people started arriving. Delicious wine started flowing and extreme Jenga was underway…

In addition to the lovely wine, there was this evil-ness:

And then before long, it was time to eat. Here’s the proper way to eat a shrimp boil dinner:

The lack of utensils and plates makes it fun and easy to clean up. And everything was so yummy! After dinner, there was some more wine, more Jenga, some dessert and a visit from a neighborhood kitten that we nicknamed Smokey Mittens because of his gray coat with white feet. It was a very enjoyable evening and fun to meet some of Erin’s local friends.