

So far, 2015 is off to a strange start. Some parts good, some parts not so much, it’s hard to put into words. I feel like I’m at this crossroads where, I’m not happy with where I am, but also not sure how to fix it. I find myself torn between wanting to leave Seattle and wanting to fix it. T had a lengthy job interview process at a well-known outdoor retailer based here in the Pacific Northwest, and the longer it went on, the more it started to feel like I was standing on this crossroads – one path: he got the job and the roots to our life here grew deeper, the other path: the universe is telling us to go. Unfortunately, he didn’t get the job, so we’re back to square one. 😦

Sorry for the downer intro, let’s move into some more positive territory, shall we? I’ll start with a random tidbit, we took advantage of a Kasala sale and finished upgrading our dining room. It’s looking pretty high-class up in this joint!


I’ve also kept up with my trail running. It’s good for my brain and I’ve met some really awesome ladies. I signed up for the Catalina Marathon in mid-March and have been spending most weekends out on the trails:


Occasionally, I bring along this little troublemaker. His joyfulness is something to behold. It’s like taking a kid to Disneyland. Even if my legs feel like crap or I’m struggling, he makes it better.


The highlight was a 20-miler on this beautiful trail:


It has been three years since I tackled this distance and I’d forgotten how much it hurts. But I tried to keep my head in the game and not fall into the mental death-spiral that has haunted so many of my long runs. It helped a lot and I’m pretty proud of myself.

There has been some socializing. I spent the Super Bowl playing Mexican Dominos with these two lovely ladies:

0215_SB-Dominos(The boys were actually watching the game… Whatever!)

We also recently got together with these bad influences:


So, of course, there was good food and cocktails:


Sadly, I don’t see too much of M these days. Motherhood and life seem to have swallowed her whole. I try to be understanding, but the bottom line is, it sucks. It’s lonely and contributes to my desire to leave Seattle.

To keep things “interesting”, T’s back is all messed up, he’s got a slipped disk and has spent much of this month in a lot of pain. (I’m starting to believe that someone has put a voodoo curse on him or something.) Thankfully, now that it’s been diagnosed, he’s been getting better, but still has a ways to go. He does have the healing power of these two goofballs:

0215_WallyTongue0215_CouchBoys So, that’s the state of things right now. I’m trying to figure it out, we’ll see how it goes!